January is here and that means we have to face the Inland Revenue and complete our tax returns to avoid being fined. Did you know that one of the most used excuses for failing to meet the self assessment deadline is "My dog ate my tax return". Hopefully I won't have to blame the dog....Actually I couldn't use that excuse as I don't have one. I am now nearly finished and looking forward to a stress free year.
Something that I see very often when testing muscular dysfunction amongst golfers is restricted hip rotation and weak glutes. Two of the most important factors of good golf technique are flexibility and strength of the lower body, and in particular, internal rotation of the hips and glute strength. These are key elements for power in your swing. At Woking Massage Studio I can help you to improve your golf technique by testing your internal and external hip rotation, glute strength and then work on increasing both with Sports Massage and Muscular Energy Techniques. Click here to view an excellent analysis that PGA Professional Dave Philips conducts on the MYTPI website where he highlights the importance of good hip rotation for power and speed using leading golfer Jason Day as an example. So, don't wait to improve your game and call me today on 07789668083 to book an appointment.
My new range of T shirts have finally arrived. Bright colours to make a statement. See you on next post and remember to keep healthy, do sports and look after your body.
I am very pleased with the result of the studio renovation and glad the work is finally all over! At last it doesn't look like a building site any more and we can carry on with the massages. I wanted to do as much of the work as possible myself, not just to save on cost but because I felt this was my baby project and wanted to get involved in all aspects. Overall it has been very enjoyable! Here is a photo where you can see me working hard sanding the ceiling. I went for white colours to make it bright and clean. It has been hard work to have it ready in such a short time, but worth it in the end. So, if you would like to enjoy a sports massage, deep tissue or pregnancy massage then come to visit me at my renovated studio.
I am also available two days per week at Liphook Golf Club for members only. Contact me on 07789 668083 if you would like more information or to make an appointment. |
My name is Cristina and I am the owner of Woking Massage Studio.
November 2022
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